Superlok i-Fittings and valves have a revolutionary, leak-free design that takes the guesswork out of installing tube-end fittings and valves. Installers have experienced far too many leaks due to improper tightening procedures. Over-tightening and under-tightening the compression nut is the biggest cause of failures. To eliminate this problem, Superlok has a built-in gap gauge installed on every fitting. Now, an installer can simply tighten a fitting until the patented, built-in gap gauge pops off... for a perfect connection every time!
Zero Leak Technology!

Superlok i-Fittings are the safest valve and fittings products in the instrumentation and control markets. We are so confident in the Superlok, Zero Leak Technology, that we back all i-Fittings products with a lifetime guarantee against leaks or failures!